Claudio Romero Cross | MMA Global

Claudio Romero Cross

Claudio Romero Cross
Mobile Services Sr Account Executive for Mexico, Central America and Caribbean

With more than 10 years of experience in Mobile Marketing and Services he is a strategic enabler to help companies harness data to stay ahead of change and innovate for growth and people have a greater voice and live better lives by personalizing engagement. With experience in Marketing, Loyalty programs and Product Development he leads SAP Mobile Services efforts to contact with final clients in what we call “the last mile” in his region.

He actually is specialized in Omni channel communication using SMS by connecting with people with text messaging delivered through the largest global network for mobile messaging,  Push notifications.- By engaging your audience with targeted, context-aware push notifications and messages that drive users back to your app., Consumer Engagement.-Engaging clients customers to drive brand awareness, sales, loyalty programs, and obtain deep customer insight. with made-for-mobile research and survey tools and Consumer Insight.- The latest analytics, in-memory, and cloud technologies to harness mobile network data – so you can develop smarter, more impactful marketing and CRM strategies.