Rodrigo Junco | MMA Global

Rodrigo Junco

Rodrigo Junco
BizDev Director
In Loco Media
Deep front-line experience in starting and managing new businesses and a firm understanding of innovative and strategic use of technology —  Junco accomplished more than 17 years experience in Digital market, implementing and managing new ventures, supporting early stage companies in defining and executing their go-to-market strategies. At Buscapé, Junco headed up Lomadee’s affiliate marketing strategy, Business and Product. At Acxiom, a global leader in enterprise data, analytics and technology, supported major advertisers with audience targeting by working closely with Adtech media giants to connect offline data into targetable online segments for display and mobile advertising; Today, Junco leads In Loco’s Data Business by leveraging trillions of data points to meet the emerging needs for accurate and reliable  geolocation behavior for indoor environments.